Random thoughts
Not sure what to title this post yet so I'll start yapping and see if anything comes up. Had a nice chat with my sisters this week. Getting caught up on all the family stuff. Filled them in on whats going on with that growth in my body. Won't know anything new till after Feb. Patty has made me change my eating habits and although I put up a fight in front of her its not all that bad. I've lost a few pounds already. Just staying away from crap is a huge difference. I was throwing away a bunch of receipts I had in my room and 90 percent of them had some sort of chocolate treat on them. If not M&M's it was Maltesers. Not one chocolate bar in the past 2 weeks. Still drinking Pepsi but trying to cut down a bit at a time. I should go back to diet coke but Patty hates the aspartame in it. I think if its as bad as they say the damage has been done. Holding onto my 46 million dollar winning ticket from the draw last night. As long as I haven't checked it and I haven't heard if its been won or not I can still have my dreams. A big boat on the ocean with our own chef. Got a long email from Al looks like hes having a lot of fun. Glad things are working out for him. Ben is still the big pain in the ass that hes always been but we still love him. He trys hard and that's the main thing. I told him if he wants to go to Hamilton with us this summer he better get a job cause I'm not paying the whole shot for him. If I don't get back to back to work at Vic Truss I might not be able to afford it for us to go. But also if I'm off that long I might just not want to go back and just try to get by with what we are doing. Also London Drugs is comming to town and they have a pretty big photo lab so I might try and get full time there. Also if I have won the lottery we are going to get a big camper bus and bring the whole family to Ontario. Aunty Irene doesn't like to fly and we want to bring her to Huntsville to see her sister. We might need 2 of those busses so Patty's mom can come and Gwen and her parents. Or maybe just rent a big bus, drive for 8 hours then get rooms in the best hotel thats close spend a day sight seeing then do it all over again every day till we get to Ontario. Patty's family is really close and they don't understand when I tell them about my family. They all get along and want to spend lots of time together. Everyone is invited to everything and if you can't make it you feel bad for letting the others down. From day one when I met Patty I knew how close this family is and if Aunty Irene accepts you then everyone does. lastly I ran into Paul and Dimples in Wal-Mart last night while having coffee with Aunty and he is having a birthday party for Aunt Glady's who is turning 90 years old next month. I seen her a couple weeks ago and she still looks the same as she always has. Still gets out every day to walk the dog. Good for her!!! I hope I can still get around when I get up there but don't think my body will last that long. Well off to get ready for work so will leave you with a few photos of our little princess !!

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hey kevin , nice blog today i really liked your close family remarks. They really hit home. Too bad we cant say the same for our family, mom & dad are probably quite disappointed in ALL of us.
Miss you xxxxxxxx
love annette
Being a close family is a choice not a circumstance. It is unfortunately not a choice that has been made wisely by a few in this family. I guess other people appreciate their family a little more. I am glad to hear that Patty's family is close. I know how important my family is to me and we will never let what has happened to the five of you happen to us......that is a CHOICE we have made.
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