Winter on the Island
Apparently it was time for an update .... so I was told lol
Winter has hit the island with a vengeance. Its really very lovely but not when you have to shovel it. At least Ben got out and had some fun in it. Ben and I even walked to Wal-Mart yesterday and I took a few photos.
Sunday evening was the Wal-Mart kids Christmas party. I needed to get out for a bit as I haven't been working other than shoveling snow. I grabbed my camera and caught a ride with a neighbor. He works there as well and was heading over to play the music for them. It was a good thing I went because my boss (photo lab manager) was stuck in the snow somewhere and he was supposed to be taking the pictures at the party. He was supposed to be at work for 2pm but didn't make it in till almost 7:30pm. So I snapped hundreds of photos and put them on a cd to give to the store. They had hot dogs and treats and santa showed up and gave all the kids a gift. Except for the snowstorm which kept half the people away it was a pretty good party. I won't bore you with any of those photos.
Today I have to finish my wrapping and make sure I have everything I needed to get. Might have to get a couple stocking stuffers. At noon I'm off to Vic Truss for a Christmas lunch and hopefully a big fat Christmas bonus! I shouldn't complain they treat me very well. They even helped me out so I could buy my expensive lens while it was on sale before Christmas.
We will be out most of Christmas day spending it with our little princess and the family in Langford. So I will take this time to wish everyone in Ontario and in BC that stops by to check out my blog a very merry Christmas. I also wish the ones that don't stop by the same but they won't read this so I hope some one tells them.

NICE to see you are getting a taste of what we WERE gettung. Now its like the weather you get normally. Nice pictures. Hope your Holidays are great.
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