Happy May Two Four !
Well I hope everyone is enjoying this long weekend in may. The unofficial start of summer. Weather has been great so far, up in the mid to high 20's. I've managed to keep my head covered so no blisters yet but my arms and neck are pretty burnt. Its not really a long weekend for us as I work at Wally's Friday, Saturday and Sunday evening and Patty works Monday at her job.
Saturday we went down to Vic and walked around a bit then went for some fish and chips. Was definitely hotter in Duncan than in Victoria. Its nice to be near the ocean as its not as close to us in Duncan as it was to me in Nanaimo. Patty always points out some of the places she would like to live in if we win the lottery. Only thing is we don't hardly ever buy tickets we just dream of winning it.

Today we went to Chemainus and saw Auntie and uncle. We called and woke them up and said we were coming for coffee and then auntie called and gave us two threatening phone calls saying we better show up and bring milk or shed hunt us down and kill us. We did go there and then we all went out for breakfast. We managed to ditch Ben with Auntie and uncle for the afternoon and came home just to relax.

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