Nothing yet
Went and looked at a few cars. The only one my buddy liked was a Mercury Topaz. It doesn't have too many miles on it but the camshaft is worn. This is the only car I looked at that the seller actualy owned the car and drove it the past 7 years. It looked in good shape but the motor knocked a bit. My buddy says he camshaft has been gone for 4 years and he still takes it to Seatle and mainland. The outside was in good shape. 2 small dents in drivers side. The owner says that for some strange reason the trunk leaks but my buddy says they all do. It's funny how people are cause when I mentioned the car to my neighbour he said don't get it. They are all junk. Hes a mechanic but he seems to prefure foriegn cars. It started good, run good except for the noise, looked ok inside and out. I'm going to look this weekend and if nothing else I'll call him see if its still there. he dropped from 1000 to 800 bucks. I couldn't drive it cause of no plates but my buddy still seemed impressed with it. If its there Sunday it was meant to be right Trudy ??
On another note I'm going to start building this dice game that Barb's dad has. I'll take pictures along the way then post them when its done to show you. He said they have one at work and they gamble with it. You drop a qaurter in the pot and if you beat the game with a witness you win half the pot. Only half so there is always money in there. Going to start tonight.
Have a good weekend !!!!
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