I'm a bachelor
Well it was a busy week since the birth of little Gwen. She finally got to go home today as she had yellow Jaundice and was kept in till today. She is now home and so now I have lost my wife for the week. Patty has gone to help Mary and Adam out so they can get some rest. It's only been a few hours but I sure do miss her. Ben is bugging me like crazy and when shes home he leaves me alone and bugs her.
Saturday was a big day for me. Went to Nanaimo for a football game and watched my V.I. Raiders win the Cullen Cup or BCFC championship. Next week they go to Saskatoon to take on the Hilltops and if they win that they go to Montreal to play for the Canadian Championship.
While watching the game (taking 600 photos) I was talking to Krista Charke a photographer from the Nanaimo Daily News. I was asking her if she was going to the fights that night. She said no cause she was off at 6pm and she asked if I was going. I told her yes because my cousin Corey was fighting his first pro MMA (Mixed Martial Arts) fight. She asked if I was taking my camera and I said if they let me in with it. She then told me that no one from the paper was going and if I'd like she'd get me a press pass and if I got any good shots they could use one in the paper. I gave her my info then went and hung out with the Raiders after their win. Then I called her at 6:30 and she said to go to the arens and ask for Rob. I did and next thing I know I'm ringside at the fights. Front row was $200 bucks and I was in front of them. While talking to the other photographers they said there was a platform we could use but we had to put in for what fight we wanted. I told them I was only interested in Corey's fight and they said no problem. So there I was not only ringside but above the cage for Corey's fight. I am now hooked on live MMA fighting.
I took a few hundred photos and one was published in the Daily News Monday and I took some of Corey's photos to the local paper and they said they would probably do a story and use one of my photos. So published in 2 different papers in the same week and have a new Grand daughter!!!!!! Life is good. The local paper has taken my name and number and if they need a photographer they will give me a call. Just fill in when they are busy or someone is sick. One of their main photographers Andrew comes into Wal-Mart all the time and I saw him today and he told me they had just talked to Corey and they had called the gym earlier. He saw a couple of my photos and said he liked them. I took the photos to the Gym and the guy gave me 20 bucks for a few of them for his wall. I probably could have got more but I hate putting a price on my stuff. Patty said she will do it for me LOL. She is my best fan....when she is here. Now I'm back where I began, missing her!
Love you babe dont stay away too long !!!

First off congrats on the grand baby,second con grats on the photo op,and I bet your cousin isn't the one with the dregs,lmfao.Take care Kev and keep ona blogging.
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