A little golf
Tuesday morning a guy from work and I drove down to Langford to play some golf. The course is right beside the football field where the Raiders kicked some Rebels butts a couple weeks ago. The guy from work was at the golf course the day of the football game. Its a pretty nice course and all par 3. Its been a few years since I last played so I was nervous but didn't do as bad as I thought....well except for my putting. The greens were really fast even though they had dew on them. I did a lot of on in 2 and 3 puts, going way past the hole or going so fast it jumped the hole. It reminded me of KOA but prettier. Lots of nice trees and lots of water. The best thing about it is that we played 18 holes and I never lost a ball. Had 4 chances at a birdie (got one) and stayed out of the water. On the 5th hole we had to hit over 6 deer only I didn't go over I landed right near them. I wish I had my camera with me because the early light was nice and the deer were standing on their hind legs eating leaves off of the trees. I told Max that if I had my camera he'd probably have to finish with out me as there were way too many photo ops right in front of us.

Saturday Patty and I are heading to Vancouver and Jodi might be at the game. Maybe we can meet up early for lunch ? I'm going to be taking my bright red V.I.Raiders jacket to wear so if you happen to be watching the game you know what to look for. Hopefully it won't be too warm in there for the jacket in which case I'll tie it around my waist. I'm going to try not to wear a hat so I stand out a bit more. I am going to be able to borrow a good lens after all. My buddy Scott is going to hook me up. I'm usually standing about 15 yards down from the line of scrimmage to get receivers catching the ball or the running back coming out of a hole in the line. I find this to be the best spot to stand. Or over by the cheerleaders LOL. I have to get a few pictures for Ben to show off to his friends at school! Will post pictures after the weekend.
Thanks to Mandy and Dennis for making a song sudgestion even though Dennis picked the song I said I wouldn't use. Shows how good he actually reads my blog. I've decided to go with the circle of life by Elton John. I've got it pretty much done just have to burn it to a DVD and deliver it. 3 more weeks till the new arival!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I did read it the SECOND time,lol.A good one you might consider,is a song by Gary Allan called,"Tough Little Boys"its quite a nice song.Wont hurt to give it a listen. The cicle of life sounds like the sound track to Lion KIng,hey I think it is,lmfao.....
we will be looking for you, wave if you can lol
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