Victoria and more cars than you can shake a stick at!!
On Sunday Sabine and I drove down to Victoria to go whale watching. The traffic was terrible in the downtown area more like a parking lot. I kept trying to find a different route but they all seem to lead back to the traffic jam. I finally hit a side road and headed to the ocean where I could follow it till we got to the wharf. We finally but it but to our disappointment there were no Orcas in the area and the water was quite rough. There is a humpback in the area but unless its a good day on the ocean you won't see much of it. You would lose it in the waves so we decided not to go out. We did feed the seal and then walked to the downtown area to go to the undersea garden. It must have been from the disappointment of not going whale watching that made this place not as good as I had been told it was. Or it might have been the fact that my wife was at home cleaning while I was out enjoying myself. When we got down by the undersea garden there were hot rod cars every where and I know how much Patty likes the old cars and would have enjoyed it there. Shes not fussy on the water and liked whale watching but not as much as I enjoy it. We are hopping to go out with Maisan's cousin when she gets back to Victoria.
The undersea garden is a huge fish bowl made up of the sea creatures that are local to the area. They are in a protected area so the real local creatures can't eat these local creatures. They do a show where a diver goes down and he forces some of the hidden creatures to come to the glass for all to see. That was kind of neat to watch.

Apparently it was Deuce Days in Victoria celebrating the 75Th anniversary of the 1932 Deuce Coupe. There were hundreds of them all over Victoria and the main area of down town was closed off for them. They were even parked on the grass at the Parliament building. There were a few from other years and a handful of other old cars parked just out side the Deuce Days area.

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