You won't believe this. I was packing stuff today and started filling my trunk and getting garbage together and I lost my keys. I have no idea where they are. I've tore open every garbage bag I stuffed with garbage and with non garbage. I've searched my house high and dry. I've searched the car. I did find a single spare car key and I'm heading out to get it coppied now. Luckily the trunk opens with a switch inside the car. I'm soooooooo pissed at myself right now !! I have a hook where I hang my keys when I get in from work so I won't misplace them. Like I would do that LOL. But tonight I needed them. Was going back and forth to and from the car. I kept closing the trunk because I knew I'd be in the house a while and didn't want to just leave it wide open. So there for I needed my keys. I have no spare house key because I gave it to my landlord. Did I mention I was pissed at myself ?? Well I have to go out and make a key and I'll look some more tonight but I think I'm (as I mentioned earlier) too pissed at myself to look properly.
Hope your day is better than mine !!!!!
that really sucks...hope you find them. You are probably looking too hard.
good luck
hey kev they will turn up
i lost our ticket after we paid to get out of the airport when we picked up your dad and jean....i kept looking frantically cause it would cost the maximum on top of what we already paid...$22.
after we went back to our parking spot and searched the ground ...then i started looking more methodically and slowly going over my steps i found it...whew
so not to worry they will turn up
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