Don't know what it is about fireworks out here. Every holiday is cellebrated with shooting off fireworks. Drove Nikko crazy !! Listening to them now I'm glad he is not here to hear them cause I always felt so bad for him. Funny how things like that brings back memories. Anyways....Happy Halloween....send pictures !!!!

i will never forget the first time Bailey heard fireworks...she was still a pup, and crapped right in the kitchen. It is funny how you remember certain things. Well seeing as everyone always visits YOUR blog i thought i would let everyone know i updated mine. www.mandygowers.blogspot.com
if you view...please leave a message. thanks
PS What are we all going to do while you are travelling??Unless you are going to carry a laptop and update along the way.
Happy Halloween Uncle Kev! I agree with Mandy, it will be wierd when your on your way back... we will have nothing to read!! CANT WAIT till your back!!!!!!!
Love you,
maybe u can stop at a library every couple days n use the net to update as to where u r n wut u've been doing... that way we won't all fall apart wondering wut to do with ourselves... hehe
oh man it is getting closer!
love you!
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