Saturday, November 22, 2014

I want to blog again, just have to manage my time better!

Ive taken lots of photos especially of the grand kids that I want to share. I've gone out a few times to take pictures with posting them to my blog on my mind but never got around to it. Working two jobs taking care of a wife is very time consuming especially the wife LOL. Now both jobs I work give me lots of interesting or strange story ideas. For those that don't know I look after an apartment building during the day and drive a city transit bus at night. You meet a lot of people doing both and lots of very strange people as well. The phone allows me check and post to facebook no matter where I am but I have to sit at the computer to post a blog. Im going to try and make a point of blogging at least once a week. If I don't I want you to send me an email or post to my Face book page asking where my post is. I use to have quite a few followers when I posted frequently and many were people from around the world that I didn't know. Maybe I should do a Fun With Flags blog like Sheldon on Big Bang Theory LOL. Nah I dont know anything about flags.

Funny thing is when I sit down on the computer and decide to do a quick post I usually can go on and on like now. I had gone on earlier and posted just the top line but I thought I should add to it. I do have to give a shout out to Rhondi St Onge Peacock who lives in Muskoka in Ontario and does a blog. I pop on there and read it when ever I have a chance and truly enjoy it. I find I read one then decide I have to go back and read the ones I've missed. You do a great Job Rhondi please keep it up it inspires me to try and get back into it. I get to hear stories of her life and family and get news from the area some good, some sad about people I knew years ago when I lived in that region. Please check it out if you have a chance! Hope you dont mind Rhondi !

Well Im going to cut this one short as I forgot to do something this morning and have to get it done before I go to work this evening. I promise I will do another post soon. My sister Terry used to be my biggest fan and would always ask me where my next post was. She must have got tired of asking LOL but I'm hoping she starts bugging again!

Have a great Day!!!