Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Today we went on a picnic Breanne, Ben, Bella, Patty, Gwen and me! We went to a water park just down the road from where the kids moved . Its actually a real nice park that I never even knew existed till recently. The only reason I know where it is located is I pass the street every day I drive a #6 bus which is 5 days a week. Bre packed us a real nice lunch and had treats and cookies as well. The water was a little cold for the kids so we ate lunch then played in the normal park. I think Ben had as much fun if not more fun than Gwen and Bella. Good for him! It was a beautiful day nice and sunny and not too hot. Its great to see Gwen and Bella getting along so well. This is good practice for when her little brother comes along in a few months. We are all looking forward to that day!
I hope we can have another picnic soon and this time we might go to Goldstream Park. Maybe we can get the rest of the family to come out and bring the dogs along. I think that would be fun. Hope you enjoy looking at the photos as much as I did taking them. Enjoy summer and just in case your counting, 43 days till we are in Ontario. Looking forward to seeing every one!