I just got home but I gotta shower and go out again. Will post about that later.
Tomorrow I'm going into work for some O.T. The maintenance guy that I hang out with at lunch has to go in to do some welding. He needs some help and someone to fire watch. He asked me if I was interested and I said yes. He talked to the boss and he said sure. Then the boss came over to me and said that Dave was doing it as makeup and leaving early friday but that he needs me friday so is it ok if its overtime. I said thats what I was hoping for.
Tomorrow after work I'm going to see a football game. The Vancouver Island Raiders first exhibition game. I know some of the players so it will make it more enjoyable... not that football isn't enjoyable already. Should be a good group of guys from work going. They are all meeting in the beer tent. Just noticed the Ti-Cats are off this week.
I decided I'm going to do a trivia contest on here. About 2 times a week I'll post a question. Maybe more depending on how many replies I get and if different ppl are getting the points each time.The first person with the correct answers get points. First person to 100+ points wins a prize. I'm trying to come up with a prize now. The first catagory will be Beatles Trivia !!! Most stuff should be easily found on the internet. I'm not going to say when a question will be posted so you'll have to watch. Only thing is I'm wondering if the answer should be posted on my site so everyone can see or emailed to me. Any sudgestions about that please let me know.
Well I'm off to shower then outta here. Later all !!!
Ok people here she is....

this trivia game sounds fun! but i am in skool so much i prolly won't be home in time a lot... but i'm in!
i think it should be answered on here... first to have it right in a comment on here wins... so that they know they have won, u know? otherwise they'd hafta wait for a reply or update as to who won... ok that is just wut i think...
First question should be how do you spell "suggestion"
Hey now you have wheels next on list is a DOG !!!!!!!!!
it doesn't really matter how you spell "suggestion" AND it would be nice to put a name to the comments. I know the dog one is from Alice, but who is the "suggestion" one from???????
WHERE IS MY NAME.........I could be the winner and my name isn't on the list
i know the answer but if i post it here then everyone else will know the how does it work
My final answer is PAUL
Hey Uncle Kev, I want my name on there too! I'm in for some trivia!
i'm in
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