Ocean art and football
Will start off about football because the Raiders won there second game in a row. At least one of my teams are winning. Damn Ti-Cats. I get so pumped up watching the game and I start forgetting about the camera. I turn to the fans and start getting them to yell defense when the other team is marching. I lost my voice yesturday I screamed so much. The other team was marching down the field with less than 2 minutes to go. At about 35 seconds left on the clock the defense managed to strip the ball from the other team. I was jumping up and down like an idiot on the sideline. I've gotten to know alot of the players and they come by and high 5 me and tell me that they hear me supporting them. I got a couple guys to sign pictures I took of them. Not durring the game of course. After it when we met at Swiss Chalet for dinner.
Ok now on to the other topic. I went to Parksville today. The had the sand sculptures there. I like looking at them. Lots of hard work goes into them. So here are a few pictures of some of the works of beauty I saw today. I saved the best for last.

A'int that last one a beauty ?? I gave that one my vote for peoples choice !!!
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