Raiders Win
The V.I. Raiders have won the Cananadian Junior Championship !!! Was a hell of a game with us holding a pretty good lead right before half time but with 14 seconds to go Edmonton scored a touchdown. We pulled away a bit in the second half and Edmonton fought back to take the lead. We were on their 45yrd line 3rd down and 10 and went for it cause there was about 45 seconds left in the game. A receiver that hadn't caught anything all day made a great catch for the first down and then some. After 2 running plays the field goal unit was sent in. The coach has always said to Scott Dixon before every kick "its just another kick" Yeah with the Canadian Championship on the line. Before it went through everyone was running onto the field jumping hooting and hollering but then we had to clear the field because even tho the clock said 00:00 there were 2 seconds left on the official game clock. So a hail marry attempt later we are all back on the field again. Final score Raiders 27 Edmonton 26. Both teams played an excellent game and left everything on the field. Years were everywhere. Patty and Ben were there with red painted hair but had to leave as Ben has been ill the past week. I brought home pizza after the game and we had our own cellabration.

Congrats. Is that it ? Can you sleep in on weekends? Do you have time to get married now?
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