Happy Birthday Dad
(The following is just some thoughts I needed to get out not meant to be shown to dad)
Dear Dad
Well I guess right about now you would be just off the west coast of Vancouver Island. I was really looking forward to meeting you in Victoria today especialy because it's your birthday. Aunt Gladys, Paul and his family and I were looking forward to bringing a cake down to you. Going for dinner and just enjoying being with you on your birthday. It was nice seeing you in Seattle although it wasn't for very long. I was more than happy to take that trip down there to see you off even if it was for a shorter time. I hope you had a wonderfull time and got to see some whales. I'm sure you saw lots of beautifull scenery along the Alaskan coast. I hope you got lots of good pictures. I'll call you on sunday so you can tell me about your trip. I'm glad we were able to do this for you.
I've been doing alot of thinking lately remembering growing up. Going to football games home and road trips, fishing trips and camping up north, the Ireland trip, the stores we had, moving up north, learning to drive and backing your truck into the car while parking, but the one thing I always remember is you being there for us. One prime example is way back in the Brittania days when things were not so easy and you would be in the hospital at Christmas time. Waking up in the morning seeing you at the kitchen table was the best Christmas gift ever. Being kids we may not have thought that at the time but thinking back now I can't remember any of the toys but I can remember seeing you in the kitchen drinking a coffee. You'd sign yourself out and take a cab home to be there with us. Then later that day you would have to take a cab back. There are many many more memories that fill my mind. One more memory I'll mention goes back to Brittania Ave again. Sunday mornings !!! Johnny Cash and the smell of fresh bread being made in the morning to family dinner with us all sitting down eating Sunday dinner as one big happy family !! You and mom did a great job raising us. I hope you know this !!!
I want you to know I love you. That I have always looked up to you. That I wanted to be like you. It's been real hard since hearing about the cancer because there is nothing I can do to help you with it. I can't even think about it without getting choked up and teary eyed. Even though I can't talk about it with you I want you to know that I'm here for you. Any way I can help you I will. I wish I could take some of the pain for you. I wish I could make it all go away.
Love Allways

move on
Kevin dont let one jerk like that spoil it for the rest of us !!! There are a lot of us that enjoy your site.And to the jerk at least post your name I only hope i dont know you. Alice
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