Where to begin ???

Well I've had an exciting day today. Been having problems with kitchen sink backing up into shower recently. Last couple days the toilet has joined in. I bought drain snakes, drano, power plunger nothing seemed to work. Tonight I removed the toilet and the water is to floor level. My neighbour said that main line has to be plugged. We found the pipe outside removed the cap and whooooooooosh all the water from toilet and shower came rushing out. It was full !!! We tried jamming a hose down there to clean it but no luck. Will have to call Roto Rooter !! just finished getting toilet back in and taking a shower.
On the bright side a guy stopped by last night asking if I'd sell my truck. I told him 1300 bucks the way it sits. After talking for half an hour and him looking at it he said hed be back in 2 days with the cash. So hopefully he shows up with the cash and the flatbed like he said. Can pay off some of my loan.
With Jess not here I decided to go into work yesturday even tho I had asked for it off. Thought the money would be better than laying around. Thought the boss was going to hug me LOL. Sure is nice to be needed. He's a good guy. When you do a good job he will come up and pat you on the back and tell you that you did good. today I was on a new saw and wasn't sure how my production was but there he was at 3pm telling me that I did good today.
One last thing before I head off to check out the tube then bed. The owner came out today and thanked me for the pictures I gave him of his football team. He asked if they could use them on the web site. I said sure as long as I got credit. I told him that I talked to someone about getting a field pass for the rest of the season. He told me he will put me in touch with the web designer and that I can help and send pictures right to her. I then told him that I was going to see Jake Saturday in Vancouver. He set me up with return tickets on the harbour link ferry. Will be a busy weekend. Friday night is a auction bbq to raise money for Jake. Then trip to Vancouver to see Jake. Then first regular season game of the V. I. Raiders.
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